A New Thing
In the end, we discover that, in life
Everything is new to us
Death, of course, is a new thing
But I am jumping over
Once we were born
Opened our eyes
Saw our mother’s eyes
Our father’s eyes
The entire family’s eyes
For the first time
(And it’s too late to repent about any of these later)
Anyhow, as I said, everything is a new thing
And so, from then onward, everything is new
Walking the first steps
Every step is a discovery
Every step toward tomorrow
When we were young
Everything was new
Things we didn’t ask for came to us
Things we did ask for, we never get
Still, they all were new things to us
Things that wear the spirit, things that lift it
We didn’t know what to do with them
Because we were new
Because those things were new
Feelings involved us
Learning smothered us
Failure frustrated us
Success confused us
We didn’t know what to do with success
We took it as a duty
And from then on, everything went uphill
Climbing adulthood up, as it were a mountain
A new thing is being an adult
It means responsibilities
Finding work, being useful, or useless
Useful to others, useless to ourselves
A new thing that we didn’t know how to deal with
Finding a partner, a wife, a husband, a person
You label it. Your companion in life, your fellow friend
Your comrade, your best colleague
Someone whom you trust
(Beware, quicksand here)
Or just being alone
Which is not too bad after all
You may have replaced him/her/they with a pet
Or started a new thing
A new hobby, a new business, authoring a book
A self-help book that never helps anybody
Or you wrote a memoir, confessed to all, and then repented
Or you wrote a book about collecting new things
Gathering the old ones in a broken basket
And this is true because no matter how you look at it
Life is always about a new thing
Still, suddenly, you are old
Aging is a new thing, of course
Of course, you may try to delay it. No way
And so, the most challenging thing in this season
It’s to agree with the season
To which your soul may adjust
Not so your bones
Because, as I said, aging, as being born is, as growing up is
Is a new thing
So, life entire is a new thing
But by then, almost too late, we learn
That we must live in peace
With others and ourselves
That we should never hurry to live or live in a hurry
Too late in life, we learn
That good or bad, things will be there for us no matter what
And so, what we must do is take life with calm
And so, in the end, I come back to death
Another new thing we face in our life
Yet, death is a thing we must take it slowly
We should never hurry to die or die in a hurry
Death is another thing we must take with calm
Mulling over life while dying
So, finally, we can rest in peace.