Sal Godoij

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My Resume

My contact information

You can find me anywhere

Got good news? I’m here

Let me introduce myself

I know facts, concepts, procedures, processes, and principles

Routine, long hours, weekends on call

Productivity is my motto, whatever that means

Diverse forces compel me to earn my daily bread

And I cannot escape

My objective is the vulture; pardon me

I said the culture, the organizational vulture

Repeated tasks hammering once, twice, thrice

On the anvil of the spirit

Yes, I have experience in the task at hand

I’m prepared; I can show you that I’m prepared

Everything in place is the road to success

I follow those steps with no alterations

I mimic everything, recipes for success

Paradigms, examples of success

The success of professional life cradles in loyalty

To others or myself?

That I don’t know

I listen, I listen attentively

My only skill to survive

So, this is me applying for this job

What can I bring to this company?

Happiness is what I can bring. Happiness as collateral

I think of me. Think of others, too

I’ve the drive to do better

Struggle to fit in

The initiative is good, creativity is better, but I do not break the rules

Principles must be followed

I follow the book. Everything I do, I abode by the rules

There are thousands of words, but the market reigns

I am a disciplined one, and I say that there are no exceptions

Order in the workplace is sacred

Order in nature; it does not matter

Whenever possible, we all defecate in there

I already have so many problems with myself

The order in the office is important

I swear never to alter that order

Productivity reigns; I know

Just don’t follow me like hounds

I swear to shut off my internal music

Because it makes me unproductive


(I will erase this word from my dictionary)

This brings me to progress; this is the final destiny

The end of the road

Success: the long-awaited success

I’m the bell that tolls high in the campanile.

However, I struggle to be better every day

Yes, I live in this city, my place of residence

This is my city, the space left between alarm bells and flushing toilets

A census on collective physiological needs

The last refuge of human conscienceless

A tally on rodents; anonymous corridors people call streets

Between anonymous buildings, the crossroads

And here I am standing, watching East and West

To North and South

 I am lost. I have not a compass to guide me

I face the city; I am on a happy task

I’m open to work; I am looking for a job

I’ve exhausted my dreams, dreams in an exhausted mind

Wheels turning in the infinite, wheels turning without roads

I shouldn’t let them roll on over me

I tell myself: Don’t let those wheels crush you

I scream: Don’t let them crush you!

Love thy self; dare to do; believe in yourself; persist; live

I must wake up!