I Dreamed I Was Born
I dreamed I was born
At a time, one day, somewhere
Among pain, screams, sweat, and blood
My dream was so unreal
Yet I felt alive, crying, breathing
My heart beating
And I was there, a newborn
Me, being held in the hands of destiny
With my arms open
Wanting to embrace all those people there
Witnessing the miracle
But then, later, later in life
When I had to prove my existence to a bureaucrat
I looked for those who have witnessed my birth
But none came up front to confirm it
Instead, they all denied having witnessed such a miracle
That may have happened
Once upon a time in their lives
Hence, a doubt grew up in me
Was I born, or was it just a dream I once had?
For in truth, I’m not quite sure now that all that happened
My birthday, I insist, the pain, the screams, the sweat
The blood
Me, being held in the hands of destiny
Wanting to embrace all those people there
Anyhow, it’s all blurred now, and in my memory
If I was born, I concluded, if it really happened
It was never a fact but a dream I once had.