The Dreamer
As I was snoring on my pillow, oblivious of the rest
A flashing serpent’s tongue flickered in my window, silhouetted me at best
I was dreaming something about rainbows, something about sunsets
But then, my Alter Ego
Exuded through my pores, like perspiration I never sweat
Flowed out of my eyes, like tears I never shed
Came out of my ears, like words I never heard
And seized my dream
I wanted to wake up and could not
He forced my eyes shut, kept my mouth mute
Held my body immobile as if I were dead
“I am not a dream!”
Thundered my Alter Ego’s flickering serpent’s tongue
“I come from where you come.”
“I am who you are and who you will become.”
He pulled me out of bed, showed me no pity
A flash of lightning silhouetted us both
Scrambling together as under oath
Over the roofs we went, over the city
A heartbreaking symphony flooded space
And all of a sudden, like an epiphany, it was all on my face
That which avoids the eyes, although the eyes are open
That which avoids the mind, although the mind is open
That which avoids the ears, although the ears are open
And I learned about him, who is the other me, within me
And about my neighbours’ fortune, grace, disgrace, and misfortune
I was no longer I
I cast away my knowledge, fears, sins, hopes, and God as well.
Like cockroaches hiding in the night, my lies died haunted by the light
A flashing serpent’s tongue flickered in my window
Weeping in my dream, restless on my pillow, silhouetted me the gleam
A lightning whip my skin lashed, my heart scarred, my soul slashed
“Wake up now!”
Thundered my Alter Ego’s flickering serpent’s tongue
“Like the wind that propelled forward the first ships go about the Earth!”
“Free all men from their condemnation.”
“Become the lightning that their dreams flash.”
“Be the whip that their knowledge lashes.”
“And their fears, sins, hopes, and God as well.”
“Bring their truths out of the night.”
“Bring their lies out to the light.”
“Now and ever, and for the times forever.”