Sal Godoij

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Change is Life

This is life, said the fetus in the womb.

This is life, said the child in the cradle.

This is life, said the youth opening to life.

This is life, said the person at work.

This was life, said the old one on his deathbed.

Life flows through change. Therefore, change is life; if I exist, I do so through change.


I think, therefore, I exist.


I change, therefore, I exist.

I sustain that I cannot become an entity by mere reasoning because my desired reality, which conditions by my senses and emotions, limits my reasoning. Therefore, the conscience I acquired through thinking is an illusion. This is even more evident to me when I see how people make decisions, whatever important they are, for they base their every decision on feelings and hopes and seldom on reasoning, for even if they do so, their reasoning shows them a distorted reality.

 Creation is change. Change is creation.

 Constant change is the only reason for my existence.

It’s change, not reason, which carries me from one stage to another, and this process, not thinking, allows me to create my conscience and see the complete picture; hence I exist.  

Therefore, if I want to change my reality I must first change my thinking, which brings me to the principle that constant change is the only reason for my existence. Change, conscientious or not, is life, as demonstrated every second by the nature of things, where everything exists through change—this principle I find acceptable and may lead me to further studies in the condition of man.