Sal is a Canadian writer, philosopher, poet, and indie publisher, author of a thought-provoking narrative that contains mystical messages. Sal believes in miracles, which he claims have accentuated his life, so many of his stories reflect these portents. Sal sustains that we all have a message to divulge in this life. Thus, he encourages us to make our voice heard, firstly in our inner self, then on to our neighbours, and henceforward into the universe. In doing so, we will heal, and the world will heal."
Sal Godoij dreams of a world without borders, religions, symbols, fears, or traumas and with the highest respect for each other, life, and nature, and anticipates a human society free of fear and the vices that have tormented humanity since the dawn of civilization. Fear, Sal sustains, is the mother of all human misery. In this light, Sal explores human conflicts, dreams, and solitude through his prose and poetry. His comprehensive work includes adult fiction, novels, play scripts, poems, short story collections, historical fiction, science fiction, essays, illustrated children’s books, and chronicles on common interest issues. He has never stopped writing.
Sal continues to consistently pursue mastering performance storytelling and the application of storytelling in leadership, change, human growth, and healing, which applies to every business, service, and industry.
Sal is a lover of books and classical music. In addition, he studies ancient Latin prose and poetry, explores Hermetic teachings, sings psalms of gratitude, and plays chess.
Books by Sal Godoij
Grandmother in Toronto, a ready-for-production play. Adult fiction, drama, sociopolitical and philosophical Issues, violence.
Sal trusts that a visionary producer will discover this play and navigate it through successful performances.
Grandmother in Toronto is a portrait of love, revenge, and wrath: a mother seeks revenge for the murder of her only son, yet although her maternal instinct prevents her from crime, it does not save her from punishment. But, on the other hand, no matter who is in between them and their target, a vigilante group’s goal is to execute their enemy. And to spice up this tragedy, love comes too late to save a couple of young dreamers.
Plot: a group of vigilantes of diverse backgrounds conspires to murder a former dictator. The author explores sociopolitical issues, human rights violations, the dynamic among the group members, philosophical, moral, political, and religious motivations that drive each group member to murder the ex-dictator—even the ex-dictator himself has the opportunity to defend himself against the charges placed against him on public TV.
Grandmother in Toronto is a drama that any stage (or big screen) fully deserves.
Besides Grandmother in Toronto Sal has published five other books:
Worldwide, all of Sal’s books have received a favourable reception
Interstellar Epiphany has been translated into Spanish under the title AXUMERIEDES — Las Revelaciones, and it is also available on Amazon in its paperback and Kindle versions. Readers interested in reading the Spanish version will find the book also at Indigo-Chapters Bookstores throughout Canada. Please click: Axumeriedes - Las Revelaciones.
The sensible reader will find Sal’s books on Amazon — paperback and Kindle versions—in global markets. In addition, Sal’s books are also available in fine independent bookstores, in Canada through and Indigo-Chapters Bookstores. The reader can also find Sal’s books in India through, Taiwan, South Korea, South Africa, the USA through, Barnes and Noble, Powell’s Books, Walmart, Google Books, Ingram, and other fine book retailers, throughout Latin America, Australia, through, Australia’s greatest bookstore, New Zealand, Europe, and the United Kingdom, through Waterstones Booksellers Limited.