Sal Godoij
According to Sal Godoij, a "soulpuncture" is every literary work that aims to stimulate the soul's energy.
Therefore, all poems, stories, comments, and ideas on this page are "soulpunctures."
It is the objective of this site (and of all Sal Godoij's writing for this matter) that every word said, sung, heard, written, or read punctures the soul and thus stimulates the soul's healing capability.
Following a Script
Have you ever felt as though your existence is akin to the plot of a novel, each twist and turn orchestrated by some unseen hand? The highs and lows, the moments of serendipity and despair, all seemingly penned by a ghostly author with a penchant for drama.
Do you live like you are following a script someone else wrote long before you were born?
Is your life like that of a fictional character? If so, do you know who is writing your life story, if it is not you?
Cornerstone of a Better World
Cornerstone of a Better World
If you feel like expanding your love
To reach humanity
Look yourself in the mirror first.
No! It’s not wrong to love yourself
If you don’t become too narcissistic
Who then may evolve into a threat
A threat to yourself and others.
So, if you learn to control your tongue
Your tongue and your ambition
It’s good to feel your worth
Your strength
Because everything starts with you
Flows through you, and ends in you
But remember, the waves of who you are
Impact others as well.
You may not know it yet
But you are
You are the cornerstone of a better world.
At My Funeral
I know. I know it’s not your favourite subject, but it’s part of life, so we shouldn’t refuse to talk about this or hear about it.
So, here I am.
What would my family say during my funeral? I say what they would say, not what I hope they will say.
The Work of Man
Should I compare the work of man
To what?
Since their beginning?
What is closer to humanity
Man, woman, or both?
Dust or stardust
Since their beginning
In this world?
On Friends in Disgrace
It had dinned into us that each one is master of their destiny.
Also, we will know who our friends are when we are in disgrace.
A disgrace, however, has many causes.
Sometimes, despite all well-intentioned advice, despite all signals, we are the promoters of our fall.
We may all have heard the proverbial “I told you so,” but we also know that it has never been, or is not, enough.
What Are We?
We came out of the Garden of Eden naked, according to certain beliefs.
And so, we are born empty.
Then we fill ourselves, and in the process, we fill the environment, the Earth.
We fill the Earth with our presence, with our domination.
So, empty, we came out of God, naked, like babies out of the womb.
A Changing Body
Where did we come from?
We don’t know
Where were we before birth?
We don’t know
What do we know?
We know that life dressed us with a body
With a heart, a mind, a spirit
Skin, blood, muscle, and bones
A constantly changing body
A constantly changing soul
Four Words
Flowers, with their colours, shapes, and scents
Convey messages of love, sorrow, joy, or pain.
So, as every flower has a colour, I suggest
That every word should have a colour as well
A colour for the shape they describe
A colour for the message they deliver
Perceived by the moral
Of human nature
Sicknesses and wars are alike
Both become businesses
When sicknesses become businesses
There is no cure
When wars become businesses
There is no peace
Angst demoted
Immorality ingrains deception
Such is the human condition.
On Bad Attitude.
How could Human Resources spot bad attitudes during the selection process?
A worm at the core may rot the entire apple. Similarly, an employee with a bad attitude may ruin your business.
On Virtues
On Christmas, Hanukkah, or other celebrations, but most importantly year round, never forget the seven virtues: Hope, Faith, Justice, Charity, Patience, Kindness and Temperance.
Which virtue do you practice more frequently?
I've Arrived At This Age
I've arrived at this Age
The inevitable stage of conclusion
The end
Of the seasons of my Life.
Both the Devil and God hold me
In the palm of their hands
As if they were both weighing me
Hesitant about what to do with me
With my Soul
On Progress
Progress, what is it?
Growth or development, continuous improvement. We found this definition in most dictionaries.
Still, we must be conscious of where we were yesterday and where we are today. Is it better today than yesterday, or are we stuck going nowhere? If our present shows that we're better than yesterday, then we can feel free to envision our future.
Amenable Animals
Nature takes us from our delusional state and shows us that we are indeed animals, if not in shape in spirit and behaviour. I explore this further in a chapter of my book Interstellar Epiphany, where I expose what influences the nature of man, and among these influences are the animals.
We are what I call “amenable animals.”
Stages of Conscience
Regardless of the geography of where we were born, we are from nowhere until we acquire a conscience.
So, wherever we are, from the moment we acquire a conscience of who we are, we belong to that place geographically and spiritually.
Grinning, you look at me from a framed photography
Captured pale and naked under the moon in Muskoka
Shining, you are another moon under the moon.
In the solitude of my room, your figure blooms again
And like a flower attracts the hummingbird, and it was me
In that fleeting summer, briefly, my longing attracts you
Before You Ask, Dream.
Before you ask, dream.
Dream what you want to have, what you want to achieve.
Before you ask God, or the Universe, to give you what you want, dream it first.
Dream, and you will receive.