The Three States of Human Character.

Several factors condition a person's character. Some say the stars, others say destiny, others say it's God's will, and others say we own our fate.

To the above, I add another factor: the states of water.

Water is the most abundant element on Earth. The Earth is 71% water, and the human body is 60% water. We all know that water is present in three states: solid, liquid, and gaseous.

I say that any of these three states determine a person's character, and the limitless effects that derive from them affect every human activity.

So, in this light,10% of the human world population is solid.

80% of Earth's population carry their lives within a liquid condition.

The remaining 10% lives carry their lives within a gaseous condition.

Time is also essential for these three states of character, as solid people live in the present, liquid people in the past, and gaseous ones live in the future.

It's the way we are made.

Yes, but what does this mean, you may wonder.

Solid people step on firm ground. They stand out in their fields of expertise regardless of their origins or circumstances surrounding their birth, genetics, or social constraints. As solid people live in the present, their most outstanding quality is replacing hope with action. They are actively proactive.

Liquid people, instead, flow with the masses, times, and beliefs. As water adapts to every container, liquid people adapt to every situation. Once they find a channel, they flow through it their entire life and, like any stream, drag whatever they capture in their way. This is why liquid people always carry their past with them; thus, they don't act but hope. Yet, although they are patiently reactive liquid people rise and, therefore, can flood the entire Earth when they face barriers that hinder their hopes,

Gaseous people, like air, flow through all stages, seasons, and professions of humankind. They are dreamers. They live in the air and in a future that never comes. They are artists and visionaries, philosophers, writers and poets, tormented and revolutionaries. They constantly watch the rest of the population from the heights of their clouds or move through mundane events as if they were mist visible/invisible. Gaseous people cause the changes solid people hate, and liquid people hope for. Sometimes, they leave a track, but solid or liquid people never see this track during the gaseous person's lifetime, but deep into the future when gaseous people are no longer in this life.  

And so, my friend, what do you think? Do you feel you are a solid, liquid, or gaseous person, and if you identified with one or the other, would you dare to explain why, like to make your character public?

Thank you very much.

Sal Godoij

Sal is a Canadian writer, philosopher, poet, and indie publisher, author of a thought-provoking narrative that contains mystical messages. Sal believes in miracles, which he claims have accentuated his life, so many of his stories reflect these portents. Sal sustains that we all have a message to divulge in this life. Thus, he encourages us to make our voice heard, firstly in our inner self, then on to our neighbours, and henceforward into the universe.

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