On Wisdom, Ignorance, and Temptation.
Wisdom may take you away from Ignorance, but it won’t take you away from Temptation.
Temptation was the first instance that challenged reason. According to The Bible, the serpent tempted Eva, Eva tempted Adam, and so on to our days, always someone or something tempting someone.
So you may remember, in our prayers, we always ask: “Lead us away from Temptation.”
But no matter what we do, Temptation is always around us like an ominous shadow, and we cannot get rid of it.
It’s interesting, though, to consider that men are more easily victims of Temptation than women. Why is that? I would love to know.
And yet, it’s true. Throughout history, civilization after civilization, it has been Temptation, which has played the most crucial role in the rise and fall of men, no matter how wise or powerful they were.
Wisdom may defeat Ignorance, but it’s no rival to Temptation.
Ignorance can raise you to Power, yet Temptation can throw you in Prison.
Where is Wisdom, then?
Wisdom lost the war against Temptation in the first moment of Creation. It had never had a second chance.
Thus, no one is ever free from Temptation, as Temptation presents itself in many forms that even the wisest person cannot recognize.