Give justice air to breathe
Do not dare to drown justice
Give it air to breathe
Give it air to stoke life’s fire in it
Life that could has been and it is not
Accusingly, fingers points to justice
People lower their eyes
Some others shrug their shoulders
People say things, unimportant things, just cheap talk
In general, about something that could have been and never was
In particular, about a life that will ever be here, among us, again
In particular, about the funeral
In the meantime, life goes on
I say, life goes on and pain too. Pain goes on
Pain is a long, long serpent; it slithers
It filters between skin and muscle, swim in the blood, it travels
Aye! It travels through the body
But for those who do not believe in someone else’s pain
Crime is not a subject
To be held into consideration
For whatever a time
And somewhere
Wherever but not in the conscience
Like a baby’s rattler toy, the bones
Shake the conscience
Conscience that doesn’t want memories
And far, far beyond, so distant in the space of time
An unborn child cries
For a grandfather that will never be
Aye! The killer is never one
Killers are legion
Your death has been planned centuries ago
The Book of the Law is one accomplice
The precepts in there, no one can comprehend
It will take too much future
To condemn injustice so deeply buried in the past
Who has done it? Why someone did it?
It’s true; the deed done, questions no longer matter
Indeed, nothing was ever discovered
Who can return the stone thrown away?
Who could?
Just the dead body
I’m telling you; a bold dead body
A corpse that stares you straight into your eyes
Alas! The murderer took a life
As if the life he took, was a last sip to his beer
A poignant swallowing
It will forever taste bitter in his throat
Blank pages, the True Book of Justice
Someday, someone will write it
That very day could be today
Today does not exist already
Perhaps tomorrow, then
Tomorrow perhaps a judge will pronounce sentence
Please do not choke justice
Let it be, let it breathe, let it be alive
Let it move through the pores of your bones
Keep justice alive, so as you can kill revenge
Do not allow your flesh and bones get cold
Keep your voice aloud; make your tongue spell words
Words that eventually will show in newspapers
Will talk in books, in stories, in poems
Your voice will talk in TV shows, in songs; it will talk loud in speeches
Through thousands of throats marching on the streets
Please, stay warm; do not let your body get cold
My husband, my brother, my son
Keep your body warm even though
You do this through the feelings
Of those who remember you
Keep your body warm so your bones can breathe
And when you hear the command
Stand up and walk!
You will stand up and walk
Denounce thy killers!
For they should never die clandestine