Sailing Away

As I’m withering away

I ask you, please don’t think of it as it is

As you tearful kneel by my deathbed.

Think instead that I’m onboard a sailboat

Ready to set sails on a long journey

And you’re there in good spirits

In this gorgeous beach.

Picture us there, then, my love, me setting sails

Under the sunlight or under the moonlight

Sailing away towards the horizon of your memories

In a journey of no return.

And you, my love, knee-deep in the water

Bidding me farewell, a fond farewell.

But still, I hope we’ll see each other again

In another place, in a timeless beach, I assure you

Where I’ll be waiting for you on a hopeful vigil

And I’ll sight your sailboat gently approaching

Propelled by the sweet breeze of Heavens

And I’ll wave you happily, welcoming you.

But for now, my love, for now

You will stay here on this beach

Waving me goodbye while I set sails

Softly sailing away with each last breathe

Taken by the waves of perpetuity

In search of another beach to disembark under the sunlight

A gorgeous beach somewhere in the sea of infinity

Where I’ll love you again and again under the moonlight

For all eternity.


Sal Godoij

Sal is a Canadian writer, philosopher, poet, and indie publisher, author of a thought-provoking narrative that contains mystical messages. Sal believes in miracles, which he claims have accentuated his life, so many of his stories reflect these portents. Sal sustains that we all have a message to divulge in this life. Thus, he encourages us to make our voice heard, firstly in our inner self, then on to our neighbours, and henceforward into the universe.

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