Living Through Happiness

Is happiness your destination, or are you already there, but you don't know it?

Would you agree that happiness is all around us, but we don't know or want to know?

While seeking happiness, what are we looking for?

In our relentless pursuit of happiness, we often find ourselves trapped in an endless cycle of seeking money, fame, comfort, and pleasurable activities such as sex and food. Although our lives revolve around this cycle, which can dominate our lives, it rarely leads us to true contentment.

Through my journey, I've realized that the road to happiness is a myth, much like the elusive Fountain of Youth. 

Like the air, fire, or water, happiness is shapeless. We cannot give happiness the shape we prefer according to our whims, will, or dreams. And so, we often try to mould happiness into a tangible form, as if it were a piece of clay we could shape with our desires. However, happiness is not something we can control or manipulate at will.

Furthermore, we believe that we can find happiness through passionate persistence. Still, it may be difficult to find happiness if we follow bad habits. However, because happiness is a personal perception, one can continue doing what one has been wrongly doing for years and still find pleasure. If whatever we do satisfies our immediate needs and brings satisfaction, we may feel and think we're happy.

Happiness is like a womb where we live, breathe, feed, grow, dream and die. Happiness surrounds us, but we cannot see it, and although we cannot see happiness inside the womb, we can still feel it and smile with satisfaction when we're floating in joy.

Interestingly, another thing to consider when speaking about happiness is gratitude. We often overlook gratitude when we talk about happiness. It shouldn't be so. Gratitude indeed brings contentment into our lives. Practice it, and you will feel better, stronger, more resolute, and happier.

So, because happiness is not a commodity someone would provide us in exchange for our peace, love, and grace, we must rethink our vision, wishes or hopes for happiness. We should never embark on a quest for happiness as if it's a goal to achieve. Still, instead, we should learn how to move through it as we move through the air, avoiding mirages, nightmares, and deceitful shortcuts like greed, the relentless pursuit of money, relying too much on hope, or trusting too much in the will of others that trap us in diabolic spiderwebs that make us unhappy.

I learned to swim through happiness by controlling my emotions, organizing my thoughts, being grateful for all I have, and building a character to overcome difficulties and sorrows.

And so, my friend, is happiness the result of gratitude? Do you agree we live in a constant state of happiness without acknowledging it? Do you think that relying too much on hope hinders happiness?

Thank you very much. I would appreciate all your comments.

Peace and love.



Sal Godoij

Sal is a Canadian writer, philosopher, poet, and indie publisher, author of a thought-provoking narrative that contains mystical messages. Sal believes in miracles, which he claims have accentuated his life, so many of his stories reflect these portents. Sal sustains that we all have a message to divulge in this life. Thus, he encourages us to make our voice heard, firstly in our inner self, then on to our neighbours, and henceforward into the universe.

Life is a Poem


The Return.