Memories of a Shy Romantic Superhero
I remember Bella, a girl I loved
In my youthful days
But I never told her that I loved her
I never could
I was so shy.
In my youthful days
I was a kind of superhero
One of those found
In the comic strip of newspapers
Yet despite my superhero’s quality
I never told Bella one word of love.
Although love stirred my heart
It silenced my lips.
Terrified of her rejection, I kept silent.
I was so shy that I melted like ice
Like ice set on the fire
On the fire in Bella’s eyes.
Yet the fire in my eyes didn’t melt the ice
In Bella’s father’s eyes
As he demanded to know my intention
⸺‘Oh, dear, what is the matter?’ ⸺
It was clear I wasn’t in his imagination
⸺‘Oh, dear, I love your daughter,’⸺
I wanted to say, but I couldn’t say it
I was so shy.
Tired perhaps of waiting for my words of love
By day’s end, with nothing left for me to mend
Bella decided she’d be just my friend.
And today, from the distance of time
I wonder how things would have been different
If I’d have challenged my shyness.
Would I be here nursing my sorrow
If I’d have been a daring superhero?
Would I be here writing my memories
If I’d have confessed Bella my reveries?