My Resume

My contact information

You can find me anywhere

Got good news? I’m here

Let me introduce myself

I know facts, concepts, procedures, processes, and principles

Routine, long hours, weekends on call

Productivity is my motto, whatever that means

Diverse forces compel me to earn my daily bread

And I cannot escape

My objective is the vulture; pardon me

I said the culture, the organizational vulture

Repeated tasks hammering once, twice, thrice

On the anvil of the spirit

Yes, I have experience in the task at hand

I’m prepared; I can show you that I’m prepared

Everything in place is the road to success

I follow those steps with no alterations

I mimic everything, recipes for success

Paradigms, examples of success

The success of professional life cradles in loyalty

To others or myself?

That I don’t know

I listen, I listen attentively

My only skill to survive

So, this is me applying for this job

What can I bring to this company?

Happiness is what I can bring. Happiness as collateral

I think of me. Think of others, too

I’ve the drive to do better

Struggle to fit in

The initiative is good, creativity is better, but I do not break the rules

Principles must be followed

I follow the book. Everything I do, I abode by the rules

There are thousands of words, but the market reigns

I am a disciplined one, and I say that there are no exceptions

Order in the workplace is sacred

Order in nature; it does not matter

Whenever possible, we all defecate in there

I already have so many problems with myself

The order in the office is important

I swear never to alter that order

Productivity reigns; I know

Just don’t follow me like hounds

I swear to shut off my internal music

Because it makes me unproductive


(I will erase this word from my dictionary)

This brings me to progress; this is the final destiny

The end of the road

Success: the long-awaited success

I’m the bell that tolls high in the campanile.

However, I struggle to be better every day

Yes, I live in this city, my place of residence

This is my city, the space left between alarm bells and flushing toilets

A census on collective physiological needs

The last refuge of human conscienceless

A tally on rodents; anonymous corridors people call streets

Between anonymous buildings, the crossroads

And here I am standing, watching East and West

To North and South

 I am lost. I have not a compass to guide me

I face the city; I am on a happy task

I’m open to work; I am looking for a job

I’ve exhausted my dreams, dreams in an exhausted mind

Wheels turning in the infinite, wheels turning without roads

I shouldn’t let them roll on over me

I tell myself: Don’t let those wheels crush you

I scream: Don’t let them crush you!

Love thy self; dare to do; believe in yourself; persist; live

I must wake up!


Sal Godoij

Sal is a Canadian writer, philosopher, poet, and indie publisher, author of a thought-provoking narrative that contains mystical messages. Sal believes in miracles, which he claims have accentuated his life, so many of his stories reflect these portents. Sal sustains that we all have a message to divulge in this life. Thus, he encourages us to make our voice heard, firstly in our inner self, then on to our neighbours, and henceforward into the universe.

To Read a Book is a Right


The Land