The end of the world is near

The end of the world is near
Get ready, it’ll be here
Stop whatever you’re doing
Whatever it’s, it’ll worth nothing

Says, the Mayan calendar
The end will be brutal
No matter where you hide
Destruction will be total

The end of the world is near
Get ready, it’ll be here
Stop whatever you’re doing
Whatever it’s, it’ll worth nothing

Leave whatever you have
Two thousand, the year, and twelve
Get ready for what is coming
The end of joy and hurting

The end of the world is near
Get ready, it’ll be here
Stop whatever you’re doing
Whatever it’s, it’ll worth nothing

Repent you guys, repent you, now
The end of the world is coming
If you want to cry, cry
I f you want to deny it, it’s okay

The end of the world is near
Get ready, it’ll be here
Stop whatever you’re doing
Whatever it’s, it’ll worth nothing

This is a serious prophecy
It’s not like the precedents
I say, hysteria is not necessary
Why do we feel inferiors?

The end of the world is near
Get ready, it’ll be here
Stop whatever you’re doing
Whatever it’s, it’ll worth nothing

Inertia and force will be known
By those, the powerful and the meek
There it doesn’t exists a creature
Whose law is stronger
Than the business of Nature

The end of the world is near
Get ready, it’ll be here
Stop whatever you’re doing
Whatever it’s, it’ll worth nothing

Feel the strong winds
Man against man; the knife
And sufferings begin
Sufferings they say
Are signals of the times

The end of the world is near
Get ready, it’ll be here
Stop whatever you’re doing
Whatever it’s, it’ll worth nothing

Apocalyptic prophets, once again
Will court the Word now on fashion
Honesty indeed will feel uncomfortable
Stupidity will reign in its wedding

The end of the world is near
Get ready, it’ll be here
Stop whatever you’re doing
Whatever it’s, it’ll worth nothing

Mankind is entering its eternity
Or whatever the Mayans left for us
Is the Calendar telling the truth?
Who believe it? Who bets it’s not true?

The end of the world is near
Get ready, it’ll be here
Stop whatever you’re doing
Whatever it’s, it’ll worth nothing

So, whilst all mourning lasts
Everybody come down in the shelter
Indeed, there will be consolation
There, against every deception

The end of the world is near
Get ready, it’ll be here
Stop whatever you’re doing
Whatever it’s, it’ll worth nothing


Sal Godoij

Sal is a Canadian writer, philosopher, poet, and indie publisher, author of a thought-provoking narrative that contains mystical messages. Sal believes in miracles, which he claims have accentuated his life, so many of his stories reflect these portents. Sal sustains that we all have a message to divulge in this life. Thus, he encourages us to make our voice heard, firstly in our inner self, then on to our neighbours, and henceforward into the universe.

In the corner of the pepper tree