Honey, I say, how do you say love?

Love, speak to me in your language

How do you say we, this, how do you say that?

What I mean is she and I, our relationship, our feelings for each other

And she tells me

Joyfully, she expresses herself

With the words and sounds of her mother-tongue

She speaks about our feelings, our love

My eyes are wide open, my ears not so

I focus on her lips, not on the sound they made

Honey, I say, how do you say love?

And she tells me

She pronounces God’s Word in her language

And I repeat that word

My tongue struggles to copy her accent

It’s not so, she says

And she repeats the word, slowly

And her mouth draws the word that springs from her lips like a soap bubble

Multicoloured, diaphanous, light, subtle, ethereal, precious, fragile, agile

Universal, because once on the air, the word – love - belongs to everybody 

Whether we understand it or not, whether we accept it or not

And the word is born in her lips and raises, fly

Nest in my ears and filters in my heart

My lips trembling, I repeat the word, love

Pronounced by her differently, in another language

A foreign one, far, exotic, strange

She hears me and smiles; she corrects my pronunciation

Corrects my pitch, modulation, accent, the verb, the entire word

This is how you say it, she says

And on her lips, love transforms into a delicious fruit

A luscious cherry, a delectable strawberry covered by the morning dew

And I learned that love is a fruit wrapped by a skin of feelings that she peels

Kiss by kiss

Tender kisses, fresh, heavenly, delicate

And I say again that magnificent word

And she corrects me

You don’t have only to say it, she says.  

Love is not an ordinary word.

It’s not enough to say it, for it doesn’t exist by itself

You’ve got to feel it; you’ve got to adore it

And I know she is right

Love is a word one must learn to pronounce in any language

There should always be an attentive ear to hear it

Passionate lips ready to repeat it

Love is a complete word, like life

You can say it with their lips, with the soul

Using the common language of the skin

Love is a profound word

Only absence measures its depth

You can whisper love snuggling together

Holding hands, looking into each other eyes

Laughing freely with an open laugh

Repeat it as many times as you wish

Like a caress, once and again

In any language

In any accent

In any tongue

Because love is more than a word

In any language

In any accent

In any tongue

Love is a power that generates and regenerates

By itself, it has its own life

In my language and yours

In a multitude of languages

For it is in the air, on the Earth, on the seas

True, love is what makes us all

Speakers of a universal language.

Citizens of a republic yet to be founded.

Sal Godoij

Sal is a Canadian writer, philosopher, poet, and indie publisher, author of a thought-provoking narrative that contains mystical messages. Sal believes in miracles, which he claims have accentuated his life, so many of his stories reflect these portents. Sal sustains that we all have a message to divulge in this life. Thus, he encourages us to make our voice heard, firstly in our inner self, then on to our neighbours, and henceforward into the universe.


Essentials for a Writer


My Wife and I