My Wife and I

My wife and I don’t speak the same language

So, it has been

She tried to learn mine

To hold a decent conversation with the in-laws

She gave up

I wanted to know hers

The same goal

I gave up

Why put barriers to kisses

With words?

Words have no meaning in love

Silences do

Silences are the door by which love flows

Like a breeze

Ah! But her eyes sing

And sounds beautiful

I understand the lyrics of the songs she sings

By her blinking, by her winking

By the beating of her heart

And we dance

We dance

At every step, we love

I love every step we dance

In silence

Our thoughts speak louder than words

Our eyes talk words no dictionary knows

Our hands hold the world, our world

Our tongues keep intimate conversations

No verbal verbs

Cuddling, we wait for sunrise

Holding hands, we watch sunsets

No language other than love

It feels good

Leaving the eyes to hold a conversation

Leaving the hands tell our needs

Leaving the skin to express our wants

And so, we have walked through life

Hand in hand, elbow to elbow

Side by side

I, letting her silence to lead me to her warmth

Through the sparkling speeches of her eyes

Through the deafening melody of her caresses.

Sal Godoij

Sal is a Canadian writer, philosopher, poet, and indie publisher, author of a thought-provoking narrative that contains mystical messages. Sal believes in miracles, which he claims have accentuated his life, so many of his stories reflect these portents. Sal sustains that we all have a message to divulge in this life. Thus, he encourages us to make our voice heard, firstly in our inner self, then on to our neighbours, and henceforward into the universe.

Honey, I say, how do you say love?


On Dialogue