On Passion

What is passion?

Passion pushes me to write, which is what I'm doing now.

Passion is an innate force.

You cannot create it.

Passion is neither luxury nor necessity. It's within you, like your heart, brain, and lungs. It's like God within you, or a demon, at times.

It's not like a diamond that sparkles. A diamond to spark needs light. Conversely, passion needs neither light nor darkness to exist.

It's above light and darkness.

Passion is one of the elements of success, but one must be wise to tame it, which seldom happens because passion is like a wild whitewater river that floods all fields surrounding it.

Passion is not a guiding star in the vast canvas of one's dreams.

It goes beyond dreams.

Passion is a community of feelings that comes from you together simultaneously: wrath, joy, the answer to a challenge, and love, of course.

It breaks conventions, traditions, and rules, shatters obstacles, and breaks everything.

Passion is beyond intelligence. It's limitless, and you cannot control it.

Passion is the sunray that breaks the clouds that obscure your projects in life, only that the sunray comes from your inner sun.

And it's the rare flame that simultaneously surges in your soul, heart, and mind, singes your body and others, and may even scorch the entire Earth.


Sal Godoij

Sal is a Canadian writer, philosopher, poet, and indie publisher, author of a thought-provoking narrative that contains mystical messages. Sal believes in miracles, which he claims have accentuated his life, so many of his stories reflect these portents. Sal sustains that we all have a message to divulge in this life. Thus, he encourages us to make our voice heard, firstly in our inner self, then on to our neighbours, and henceforward into the universe.


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Tears in the Rain