Four Words

Flowers, with their colours, shapes, and scents

Convey messages of love, sorrow, joy, or pain.

So, as every flower has a colour, I suggest

That every word should have a colour as well

A colour for the shape they describe

A colour for the message they deliver

Like those words on billboards and screens

Bright in colours, shapes, and sizes

Although their message is not so deep.

So, every written word in print or ink

Shouldn’t be black or white if you think

What a grim language we have built

As if we all carry a fault as if we all carry a guilt.

For, what is our language but a black-or-white vocabulary

That follows blind a black-or-white dictionary?

Instead, for example, we could write the word ‘dream’ in pink

And so we could write the word ‘blue’

And every word that conveys a feeling

In the colours of that feeling

As happiness, sorrow, wrath, or healing

Love, another example, we could colour every letter

The colours we feel, when we fall in love

And the words that describe nature we should call

As colourful as the shades, as the shades of the fall

So the text would raise our minds and glow in our hearts

It’s what I claim. Please stop, is what I yell

Please stop making of the Earth a living Hell!

Rainbow colours would suffice to return to Paradise

Henceforward, we could colour every word we write

Every word made it right, written in colourful inks

For every word has a worth, a story, a life that links

Every life we live, every story we tell

However, I beg the audience’s comprehension

Because this suggestion might have four exceptions

By far, four words might escape my recommendation

Justice, Democracy, Freedom, and Peace

Man has given these four words exceptional worth

A unique life, a distinct story wrapped in mirth

Four words, such as four legs, where withstand

Everything human, all over the land

Four words that the news flood

Not so in ink, yet so in blood

Justice, Democracy, Freedom, and Peace

Injustice and Hypocrisy in the Kingdom of Ease.

I wish you all true Justice, Democracy, Freedom and Peace for the New Year 2025.

With all my love.

Sal Godoij

Sal is a Canadian writer, philosopher, poet, and indie publisher, author of a thought-provoking narrative that contains mystical messages. Sal believes in miracles, which he claims have accentuated his life, so many of his stories reflect these portents. Sal sustains that we all have a message to divulge in this life. Thus, he encourages us to make our voice heard, firstly in our inner self, then on to our neighbours, and henceforward into the universe.

A Changing Body


On Human Nature