Vicious Phenomenon
Please allow me to be sorrowful once again. See? The problem is that I cannot be indifferent to what happens around me.
I woke up today to the sad news that a young man of 14 had killed three classmates and committed suicide. It all happened in the boy’s school. The city doesn’t matter. The country doesn’t matter. Young lives matter no matter where they are from.
On this, I wonder, as a father and grandfather, how we can dare to teach our children and grandchildren that life is a beautiful gift if, from sunrise to sunset, all they hear about is death, even in the games they play. Yes, death in its cruellest forms. Therefore, why should we be startled by the waves of crime and suicide among the youth, or about the increase in drug consumption in colleges, and even worse, youth becoming criminals, if these behaviours are the most introduced ones into their minds through mass and social media without no one ever raising a finger to stop this madness or analyze this vicious recurrent phenomenon happening before our eyes.
What’s happening is the victory of the ego over the reason. The ego justifies death. The ego gives orders, and people die; the innocent are the victims. It seems like life is now a mirage, and the reality is death.