You came into my night
I slept
And while my heart kept beating
And my stomach digested
My blood flowed, and my bones rested
My mind wandered
And your image came, and you came
You came into my night
Dressed in your best ghost dress
Naked-flower-woman root of genesis
Your image came, your perfume
Awoke me
Can you feel a scent in dreams?
Yes, if it is of the one you love
Your scent came through my nostrils
Into my heart, into my mind
And from there flowed into my dream
Your scent awoke my skin
It does, it will, it did
So, my dream agitated me
Disturbed me, confused me
Your image, your whispering
Your scent all over my skin
In the pillows, in the bed sheets
In the air, in my heart, in my dream
Why, I do wonder, why
You came into my night
Raped the realm of my riddles
Broke into my subconsciousness
Or are you here all the time
And I didn’t know it
Until I dreamt of you