Sal Godoij
According to Sal Godoij, a "soulpuncture" is every literary work that aims to stimulate the soul's energy.
Therefore, all poems, stories, comments, and ideas on this page are "soulpunctures."
It is the objective of this site (and of all Sal Godoij's writing for this matter) that every word said, sung, heard, written, or read punctures the soul and thus stimulates the soul's healing capability.
Poem in a Frame
As we disperse our concerns
We search for each other best
As our bodies converge, we live on the verge
On the verge of another verse as our bodies converse
You and I are a poem
A poem in a frame
Carpe Diem
Nothing comes faster in this life but the grave.
Everything else comes s-l-o-w-l-y.
So, don’t ever hurry for anything.
The Earth and Us
Did God divide the Earth in pieces to give man a place to live, or did man divide the Earth in pieces to give man a place to die?
Be The Shepherd
God is your shepherd, but you are the shepherd of your dreams. Therefore, keep them under control. Don’t allow your dreams to behave like mountain goats, scrambling around, bouncing, and climbing to the higher peaks in their goal of becoming real. Try to keep them (your dreams) together; they will direct you where and when they will come to fruition. Your dreams, not you, know the way and the time when they will become real.
On Failure
Sometimes, when facing failure, we want to die, but failure is just a bad dream or, in the worst scenario, a nightmare from which we must wake up. The sooner, the better. Indeed, for all of us who have been in this situation, failing to reach our goals, being rejected, being in debt, with our hopes in our project all cracked, with little or no strength to start again, it is hard to reassess and start again.
Change is Life
I sustain that I cannot become an entity by mere reasoning because my desired reality, which conditions by my senses and emotions, limits my reasoning. Therefore, the conscience I acquired through thinking is an illusion. This is even more evident to me when I see how people make decisions, whatever important they are, for they base their every decision on feelings and hopes and seldom on reasoning, for even if they do so, their reasoning shows them a distorted reality.
Bridges of Lies
Lies are like cement. They are a confusing liquid mixture initially, but with time, they solidify. Because of their liquid quality, lies can take any shape, and bridges are built from them over which the unaware masses transit from generation to generation.
No Indifference
It’s either love or hate if one wants to remain human—love or hate but never indifference. Indifference removes humanity from the soul.
I Fell in Love
I fell in love with a toxic love that hurts me
It hurts me, and there’s nothing I can do
It hurts me, and there’s nothing I want to do
Love has converted me into a masochist
And I love it.
At The Top of the Mountain
If you are at the top of the mountain and look to the valley down there and think and react as if you are at the beginning of your climbing, with the same enthusiasm, with the same humble and respectful attitude you had in the beginning while facing your new challenge; if you can achieve this, then, and only then, you will have conquered the summit.
The Purpose of Life
I take and feel empty
Then I despair
I give and feel full
Then I understand
The purpose of life.
Drop it On The Blank Page.
“There are the writers, and then, there are those who write.”
But whatever the case, we all have been confronted with this dilemma: What do you do when you keep looking at the blank page and nothing comes to mind?
This said, through my interest in literature, I have encountered many people who aspire to become writers or poets and have exposed the same inquietude to me. Indeed, it’s an enervating situation. The muse simply is not there.
Sailing Away
As I’m withering away
I ask you, please don’t think of it as it is
As you tearful kneel by my deathbed.
Think instead that I’m onboard a sailboat
Ready to set sails on a long journey
And you’re there in good spirits
In this gorgeous beach.
No Exit Door
“Love thy neighbour like thyself.”
“Forgive thy enemies.”
Saith the Lord Himself
Why, then, the armies?
Twenty-one centuries and more
No Exit door
Time Well Wasted
It’s not all work. It’s not all preoccupations. It’s not all planning.
Doing nothing is a gift we cannot ignore. So, yes, go ahead and make the time to waste it.
Indeed, doing nothing for an instant is the best philosophy and remedy for all illnesses and encourages businesses to improve productivity.
On Egocentric Leaders
People lose their minds when they follow an egocentric leader who has lost his mind.
On Wisdom, Ignorance, and Temptation.
Wisdom may take you away from Ignorance, but it won’t take you away from Temptation.
Temptation was the first instance that challenged reason. According to The Bible, the serpent tempted Eva, Eva tempted Adam, and so on to our days, always someone or something tempting someone.
A Fraction of God
We’re a fraction of what we could be
A fraction of God
Yes, we’re humans, you and me, he and she
Humans are nothing much of a number
In this brotherhood of sinners we call humanity
But what we indeed are is a fraction of what we could be